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    Design Websites | 3 min read

    How to Choose Between Traditional Web Design and Growth-Driven Design

    Determine Which Website Design Method Fits Your Project

    Website design and website redesign projects can be frustrating. There is no one-size fits all solution for each website design and development project. Choosing the right method depends on various aspects of the project, your goals for how you want your website to work in your overall strategy, and having a clear idea of the functionality that is necessary for your site to perform so that it works with your organization's brand. Before we dive into how to determine if your project is best suited for a traditional web design or a growth-driven design let's make sure we know the difference between each approach.


    What is traditional web design?

    Traditional website design consists of:

    • A complete top to bottom website design.
    • Compiles all content, copy, and other design assets in its completed form that is perfect for the final development and launch.
    • Builds out website templates to maximize efforts so that any future pages to be added follow a particular format.
    • Typically takes 12 to 16 weeks or longer depending on the size of the build.

    What is growth-driven design?

    • This is a data driven development process.
    • Initial build includes only priority pages that focus your defined target market users, also known as "buyer personas".
    • Initial build is called a "launch pad" style site which is utilized to collect data and continue site growth after initial launch.
    • Typically takes 45 days or less to launch the starter site.
    • Website is reviewed for continued development and refinement on a monthly basis. The development is based on user engagement data for content creation and design that perfects overall website performance.

    How to create buyer personas ebookOffer: How to create buyer personas, free template 

    What type of website should I choose?

    Traditional website design and development is typically the best solution for well-established businesses. Factors that should be considered for a traditional website are the size and complexity of the site and maturity of the business.

    Growth-driven design sites are a smart option for organizations that have identified it is time for a branding update, also known as a rebranding initiative, are in the process of updating logos, assets, and are seeking to change their approach to incorporate their website as a more integral and active part of their digital strategy to speak to and attract a more defined target audience to boost results. Growth driven-design sites shorten the time and the upfront cost typically required to launch your new site. You are mainly focusing on the 20% of the website that will make the most immediate impact and launching that as quickly as possible.

    Offer: Schedule a conversation to discuss your website 

    Instead of investing in a larger up-front fee for your website, you can save time and resources by mitigating your organizations expenses by making smaller payments over the course of a year as your website is expanded and enhanced gradually. This expansion is prioritized to focus on those areas that will generate the most impact through boosting conversions, improving user experience, personalizing for your target audience persona, and building your marketing assets.  To maximize results you will create a website hierarchy that will serve as your roadmap to follow which facilitates building a top performing site. This roadmap will provide focus, set clear expectations, and set up a system to measure progress to goals.

    So, have you decided which approach is the best fit for you?

    Offer: Not sure if you should do a website redesign, website optimization, or website expansion? Let's explore with a website audit.

    Join us as we continue exploring the growth-driven website design and development process in future blog posts. Subscribe to our blog to get notifications or feel free to contact us with questions.

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    Design Websites

    Vanessa Byrem-Tangy

    Partner at Mosaic. As a certified inbound marketing specialist, I work with clients to devise and revise digital strategies to create positive growth for Nonprofits, foundations, issue-based initiatives, and service-based businesses.

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